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+7(4922) 47-06-22 school_football33@mail.ru


Tennis School

Adult Tennis Programs

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Juniors Tennis Programs

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Kids Holiday Tennis Camp

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Ladies Clinics

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Register for a Free Trial Lesson

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Our Pros

Лещенко Александра Михайловна
Лещенко Александра Михайловна
1999 г.р.  Образование высшее, тренер групп девочек.  Вторая категория тренера спортивной подготовки по футболу.
Мясников Александр Юрьевич
Мясников Александр Юрьевич
1988 г.р.  Образование высшее,  лицензия УЕФА категории «С», вторая категория тренера спортивной подготовки по футболу.

Client Success Story

What a great and joyful way of spending time with great people doing your favorite thing! I have sharpened my tennis skills greatly. Thank you and your coaches for making it so much fun. I appreciate what you do for adults and for kids. Good luck and cheers!

Mary Warren
Mary Warrentennis player

This is my favorite club in the area! I have spent several years playing on these courts, and I love it! The staff is great, the landscapes are amazing and the atmosphere here is just super nice. I strongly recomment everyone to join the club as soon as possible.

Nicky Roberts
Nicky Robertstennis player

My parents brought me here once to see a match. I liked it so much that i wanted to start playing tennis right there and then. The coaches are very kind and nice. I have learned so much about this sport and would like to continue learning to become a professional.

Jenny Smith
Jenny Smithtennis player
Департамент физической культуры и спорта
Владимирская областная федерация футбола
Футбольный клуб «Торпедо-Владимир»
Федерация футбола «ЗОЛОТОЕ КОЛЬЦО»
Детская футбольная лига